Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Tempris- Stephanie Fisher

Book 1
Length 19 hours 10 min

Book 2 
length 17 hours 39 min

Narrated by Elizabeth Evans

Love and Hate this series.

Love the books amazing story with so much surprising action, never know whats going to happen next. the relationship between Sky and Taly is fantastic and funny.

 'On Tempris, time magic is outlawed, and suspected time mages are hunted. Humans are second-class citizens, shunned by the immortal fey that live on the island. They even have a name for their kind: Shardless.'Goodreads

Elizabeth Evans is a fantastic narrator I have listen to many books of her's and is one of my top favs 

what I hate about this series.....there are meant to be 7 books and I have no idea on when the next one is due. I am not a patient women.

I smile to myself every time I hear Taly nickname 'Little One' as thats the name of one of my cats lol

Friday, June 3, 2022

Good to the last Death - Robyn Peterman

Book 1
It's a wonderful midlife crisis
Length 9hours 10min

Book 2 
Who's midlife crisis is it anyway
length 6 Hours 43 min

Narrated by Jessica Almasy

"Whoever said life begins at forty must have been heavily medicated, drunk or delusional" 


So funny, I was laughing within 60 seconds! 

"Thirty-nine was a fantastic year. I was married to the man I loved. I had a body that worked without creaking. My grandma, who raised me, was still healthy, and life was pretty damned good. But as they say, all good things come to an end. I’d honestly love to know who ’they’ are and rip them a new one" goodreads

How would you feel at 40 suddenly seeing, talking and gluing body parts onto ghosts? think you might be going mad? maybe just a little

I loved this book for Daisy relationship with her best girlfriends, the are BFF goals! hilarious to hangout with and always know that they have your back. I also enjoyed that the main character Daisy is 40 I'm 41 so I can relate to her abit about getting older and not knowing what to expect from it.

Jessica Almasy is a great narrator funny with seriously good pacing, she narrates all the books in this series which makes me very happy. I'm going to add her to my favorite narrators list and see what else she's done.

There are 7 books in this series 6 of them are currently free on Audible plus catalog, I am defiantly going to be listing to the rest of them.


Myth Protector-Jamie Hawke

Book 1 Narrated Teddy Hamilton Length 6 hours 54 min Book 2  No Idea and don't care "We work hard so we play hard" 🚩🚩🙄 So I...